Below we have listed some helpful links and resources you may find of interest. If you have any other resources you think others may find useful, please contact us and let us know and we will consider adding it to our list below.
Total Aged Services was established in 1993 & is a quality provider of a range of events/services for the Australian Health, Aged & Disability sectors including:
– Seminars for managers/staff in Health, Aged Care & Disability Organisations
– Dementia + Recreation National Conference
– Aged Care Nurse Managers Conference
– Dementia + Community Care Conference
– Facilities Management in Aged Care Conference
Occupational Therapy Australia is the peak body representing and advocating on behalf of occupational therapists.By joining Occupational Therapy Australia you gain access to a range of products and services both locally and interstate that assist in supporting your career and ongoing professional development.
Occupational Therapy Australia Victoria Division provides member benefits through access to local professional support and resources and through opportunities to contribute to, and shape, professional excellence.We actively embrace our responsibilities for Member Services, Professional Excellence, Advocacy and Organisational Sustainability.
Australian Physiotherapy Association
The Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is the peak body representing the interests of Australian physiotherapists and their patients. The APA is a national organisation with non-autonomous state and territory branches and specialty subgroups.
MS Australia is the national voice for people with multiple sclerosis. We work in advocacy and communications, and collaborate with our stakeholders to benefit thousands of people affected by MS across the country.
Alzheimer’s Australia is the national peak body and charity representing the more than 342,800 Australians living with dementia and the estimated 1.2 million Australians involved in their care.