$27.00 per week

The ETAC Turner Transfer Aid is a patient turner with handles that assists with transfers between seating positions. The care can maintain a standing position whilst the user actively moves from a seating position to a standing position.

Care Solution: Not only does this reduce serious injury to the carer, it also assists in safe movement of the patient. Perfect for Occupational Health & Safety requirements.

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The ETAC Turner Transfer Aid is a patient turner with handles that assists with transfers between seating positions. The carer can maintain a standing, ergonomic working position whilst the user actively moves from a seating position to a standing position.
The ETAC Turner Transfer Aid is compact and easy to position when required. The footplate is low (13mm) to the ground which makes it easy for the user to place their feet on. It also has a non-slip surface on the footplate for added safety and security.
The height adjustable leg support and handle allows the carer to adjust the turner to suit the required needs of the user whilst  maintaining eye contact and communication. It promotes independence and continued mobility.

The ETAC Turner Transfer Aid is a sit to stand transfer platform enabling movement from say from bed to wheelchair or bedside commode and vice versa, yet there is minimal adjustments between users.

The ETAC Turner Transfer Aid is equipped with smooth running castors for use on most surfaces. In addition, it is compact and easy to position with knock down function for ease of transport in the smallest of cars.

Care Solution: Not only does this reduce serious injury to the carer, it also assists in safe movement of the patient. Perfect for Occupational Health & Safety requirements.

 E TTA4 $27.00N/A Footplate 1.3cm N/A150kg 41 cmN/A14 kg


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